
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Visitor or Resident

As far as the visitor and resident article goes, I would consider myself a visitor.  I definitely do not live for an extended period of time online- and I don't have a huge identity on it.  I mainly use the technology as a means to an end- to find out information, purchase something I want, pay bills and yes, occasionally keep up with friends and family.  It's not how I  prefer to keep in contact with friends.  I am using Skype an blogs more and more- am seeing how twitter may be used as a tool to communicate efficiently and quickly- but I still have the privacy issues. I did begin a school Edmodo site last week. I plan to use it to have all of our school information on it (calendar, bulletin, upload articles/bulletins, etc)- but I guess that is still using technology as a means to an end.... Not sure I'll ever reach resident status.